Silvana Hrelia

Bologna, Italy

Silvana  Hrelia


Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Full Professor of Biochemistry at the Department for Life Quality Study – University of Bologna. Silvana Hrelia teaches in numerous undergraduate and graduate courses, in Specializing Schools and in PhD Programmes. She was the Director of the Master Course in “Nutraceuticals, Phytochemicals and Nutritional Supplements” and the Coordinator of the Master Degree in Nutrition, Wellbeing and Health. She has made the training of graduate students a high priority and has graduated over 150 MSc and PhD candidates in her career.

The main research fields are cellular biochemistry and nutritional biochemistry. Her expertise is in the field of molecular and cellular studies focused to new and effective nutritional strategies for reducing the risk of chronic and/or degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular, muscoloskeletal  and neurodegenerative diseases with a translational approach. Author of more than 250 peer reviewed full papers and book chapters.
She is founded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Economic Development, the National Research Council, the University of Bologna, The European Commission (7th Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, ERASMUS+), AFM Telethon and by private national companies.

She was Member of the Board of Italian Technological Platform “Food for Life” – pillar “Food and Health”, Member of the Working Group and Key Thrust 1 “Improving health, well being and longevity” of the European Technology Platform Food for Life, Member of the Board of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She is Member of the Board of the National Academy of Agriculture and Member of the National Academy of Science.


- Ph.D. in Biochemistry
- Full Professor of Biochemistry at the Department for Life Quality Study - University of Bologna
- She was the Director of the Master Course in "Nutraceuticals, Phytochemicals and Nutritional Supplements" and the Coordinator of the Master Degree in Nutrition, Wellbeing and Health.

Area of expertise

- Molecular and cellular studies focused to new and effective nutritional strategies for reducing the risk of chronic and/or degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular, muscoloskeletal  and neurodegenerative diseases with a translational approach