Giuseppe Poli
Turin, Italy
Emeritus Professor of General Pathology at Turin University, Italy. Degree in Medicine and Surgery and PhD in General Pathology, Turin University; PhD in Biochemistry, Brunel University of West London; Doctor Universitatis (hon), University of Buenos Aires. Lifetime honorary member of the Society for Free Radical Research-Europe and the Oxygen Club of California. His research, consistently in the field of redox experimental medicine, has focused on the role of oxidation products (4-hydroxynonenal, cholesterol oxidation products) in physiology (aging, antiviral defense), pathophysiology (inflammation) and pathology (atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease). For many years committed to supporting the role of suitable redox processes in healthy nutrition, healthy aging and longevity.
Author or co-author of more than 300 peer reviewed scientific publications indexed by PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science. Publications in Hepatology, Gut, Nature Medicine, PNAS, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Redox Biology, Molecular Aspects of Medicine, Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine.
- University of Turin
- Lifetime honorary member of the Society for Free Radical Research-Europe and the Oxygen Club of California.
Area of expertise
Redox experimental medicine, focused on the role of oxidation products in physiology, pathophysiology and pathology.